10 Soal Lestening Bahasa Inggris yang Wajib Ada

Dalam listening tidak hanya mendengar dialog tapi juga dapat menjawab soal yang diperdengarkan.

Berikut soal-soal yang selalu dipertanyakan dalam soal listening bahasa inggris

1. Maksud dari dialog tersebut
What does the man/woman mean?
What do the speaker says about?

Pertanyaan ini paling banyak dipertanyakan bahkan hampir 50% dari total soal lestening

2. Pertanyaan tersirat/maksud

What does the mas/woman imply
What can be inferred form the conversation about?
What can be concluded from the conversation about?

Pertanyaan sering muncul sekitar 20% dari total soal listening

3. Pertanyaan tentang saran
Misalnya percakapan antara wanita dan laki laki kemudian model pertanyaannya
What does the woman suggest the man do?
What does the man suggest they do?
What the woman suggest?
What the woman thing the man should do?

4. Pertanyaan terkait tindakan selanjutnya
What will the man do?
What will they probebly do next?
What are the speakers planning to do?

5. Pertanyaan seputar topik
What are they talking about?
What are thes discussing?

6. Pertanyaan tentang opini atau pendapat
What does the man/woman feel about?
What is their opinion of?

7. Pertanyaan dugaan
What had the man assumed about?
What had the woman previously assumed?

8. Pertanyaan dari pertanyaan
What does the man want to know

9. Pertanyaan tentang alasan
Why did the man/woman?
Why did they?

10. Pertanyaan tentang masalah
What problem is the man having?
What is the problem?
